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Why Wellness?

Written by Jeudeen Chambers Frater


Posted on June 13 2024

According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness is defined as "the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health". One large pharmaceutical company, further defined it as "the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of surviving, you're thriving."

Personal feelings aside, the second definition speaks pointedly to what we're about. Daily habits to foster mental and physical betterment. We want you to THRIVE! And we understand that that looks a little different for everybody. Our motivations and goals are different; our hopes, our dreams, our desires are different; the things that make us happy are different, so we strive to meet you where you are and help you enhance you life through intention and purposeful actions. 

Start slow. Pick one journal, for example the Gratitude Journal and develop a daily gratitude routine. The mental and emotional benefits of this practice are incredible! And it inevitably spills into your physical life as well. If that's not your point of focus and you can seem to find a point of focus, the Share Your Thoughts Journal can help you find your focus. No prompts, no dictates, no rule, no guidelines. It gives you full control to express anything and everything, giving you a chance to sort through those jumbled thoughts. You can even use it as a daily notebook to jot down reminders or thoughts you have throughout the day. It is yours to use as you choose. Our Prayer Journal will help Christians who want to strengthen their prayer life and the Goal Planner and Celebration Journal will help you achieve your goals one task at a time. Each journal is designed to nurture one aspect of your life, encouraging you to thrive.

Holistic. We are more than our bodies. We are more than our minds. We are more than our possessions. We are more than our positions. We are complete beings with multi-faceted needs, needs that if ignored will lead to imbalance. Our greatest desire is to help you achieve equilibrium in your mind, body and soul.

Wellness. Everyday. Mental and/or physical betterment. So that YOU can THRIVE!

That's what we strive for here at Jei Journals.



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