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Journal while Pregnant

Written by Jeudeen Chambers Frater


Posted on June 07 2024

Full disclosure, When I was pregnant in 2019, I did not have or use a pregnancy journal. I was nervous and uncertain and there was a lot going on in my life at the time. I was physically alone, in a city almost by myself and I didn’t even have a baby shower. Thankfully my mom, husband and dad were able to come support me at different parts of my pregnancy and in being a new mom and that was a lifeline and a life saver. But I really do wish I had a pregnancy journal. I wish I had a memento of the first time I felt him kick or the cravings I had or the millions of questions I had for the doctor or just a record of how I felt about my pregnancy while I was pregnant. I had a personal journal but it was filled with my thoughts of turmoil and conflict and not so much thoughts of my new baby and the new life we would have together. I did write him a letter though…even though I am not exactly sure where it is since we moved into our house. (face palm)

My point is, I just think chronicling such a unique and special time is important. The experience can never be replicated and deserves its own special place of recognition and celebration. I did do a simple maternity photo shoot though! And I am very grateful for that! So I at least have something to look back on and remember the beauty of being with child.

Not everyone will celebrate their pregnancy the same way, but I think a pregnancy journal gives you a chance to tell the story of your child’s journey into this world the way you want to, with your words, narrated by you.



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